Copywriting that gets results
Firstly, let’s clear one thing up. Your marketing is not about you. It’s about your customer – their wants, their needs, their pain and their search for solutions. Your marketing message is about how they can satisfy those wants and needs, salve that pain and find those solutions with your product or service.
To catch the attention of your customers, overcome their objections and persuade them to buy, your marketing needs words that work…
…and that’s where we come in, at Dream Copywriting.
Our carefully crafted copy gets to the heart of what motivates your customers, it engages them with your brand, and it gets results.
SEO copywriting
In the increasingly fragmented world of online marketing, your company website still plays a central role. It needs to stand out in searches, live up to its promise when found, sing your company song and make you money. You want copy that works hard –copy that gets you found and that converts your web visitors into customers.
We get to the heart of your business, find out what matters to your customers and put it into words that connect.
And we optimise it…. for your customers first, then for search engines. What does this mean? It means we never lose sight of the fact that you must connect with people. If you don’t talk to them in a way that engages them, all the front-page rankings in the world aren’t going to help you.
For words that work on your website, call us on 07581 708480 or email ruth@dreamcopy.co.uk.

Blog posts

Arrgh. The treadmill of keeping fresh content on a dynamic website, when there are so many other things you could be doing. At Dream Copywriting, we write blog posts for clients every day. We specialise in travel and tourism, but we’ve written about everything from microfibre cloths to marsh fritillary butterflies.
We help you create a content plan that complements your marketing plan, build you a stockpile of ideas to draw upon, find your voice and then write your blog posts for you. This keeps Google happy with fresh content, helps to engage customers and shows your authority in your field. It also saves you an awful lot of time.
Get on top of your blog today. Call Dream Copywriting on 07581 708480 or email ruth@dreamcopy.co.uk.
Email and direct marketing copy
Whether it is short or long copy, or more likely a combination of the two in a coordinated campaign, you need it to hit the spot. Talk to us about your objectives and we will work with you to achieve them.
Make everything from single, simple emails to powerfully persuasive marketing campaigns jump from the screen or page, creating connections that turn into sales.
Get in touch with Dream Copywriting today, on 07581 708480 or email ruth@dreamcopy.co.uk.

Company literature and print ads

There is still a place in this digital world for printed literature. Your company brochure is a tangible representation of what you stand for as a business – its design and materials are as important as the design of your website and its content is as crucial as your website copy.
You may also want to advertise your services by mail, in journals and magazines, or on posters and flyers. We write copy that catches attention, connects and then converts. We work hand in hand with your designers and marketing agencies or we can recommend partner agencies.
For words that work in print, call Dream Copywriting today on 07581 708480 or email ruth@dreamcopy.co.uk.
Creative brand copy
Whether it’s a tag line, an ‘elevator pitch’ that lifts your brand, or creating a tone of voice that’s distinctive and ‘so you’, Dream Copywriting brings your brand to life in a way that consistently engages customers and nails who you are and what your USP is, as a brand or company.
For creative brand copy call Dream Copywriting today on 07581 708480 or email ruth@dreamcopy.co.uk.

Contact Us


T: 01543 410717
M: 07581 708480